
Secret Saturdays - Exotic Entree Pt II

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"You're not seriously leaving us with a babysitter, are you???", Zak Saturday whines.

The young Saturday and Gorilla-Cat follow Doc all the way through the hallway of the south-west wing of Saturday HQ and into the elevator. With the press of a button, the elevator starts taking the three Saturdays down to the hanger deck where Drew Saturday is waiting for them. Through one of the windows, Fiskerton catches a glimpse of the open ocean over the cliffs reflecting the moon's descending lights just before the elevator had taken the Saturdays below ground.

"Don't even try to argue out of this one Zak", the eldest Saturday challenges.
"For once, your mother and I want to have an anniversary where we don't have to worry about what will happen to the place while we're gone."

"But why a babysitter???", Zak continues.
"Think about it, it actually has the word baby in it!"

"Do you remember what happened the last time we left the two of you alone?"

The young Saturday and Gorilla-Cat suddenly freeze as their stimulated memories take them back to the events of that one night that happened not more than a few months ago. The two Saturdays try and act all innocent to conceal their guilt by gazing off in a distance and whistling out of pitch tunes. Doc crosses his arms while glaring at them both, giving them the bad look in his other eye, and he can't even see through that eye.

"Uh…no idea at all, dad", Zak stutters.

"Your mother and I came back home to find a horde of Ya-Te-Veos, Giant Venus Fly Traps, and Madagascar Man-Eating Trees on a rampage", Doc accuses the two.

"Okay…So we forgot to feed mum's plants…", Fiskerton admits no more than a second later.

"But that only happened once!", Zak protests.
"We'll feed the plants this time, just no babysitter!"

"Out of the question, Zak", Doc makes his decision final.

The two Saturday brothers are discontented; Zak crosses his arms and grumbles while Fiskerton sighs and mopes.

"Cheer up, you might actually like your babysitter", Doc illuminates.
"If it helps, your mother picked one specially just for you two."

"Who is it then dad? One of the Secret Scientists?", Zak asks in sheer distrust.
"Is it Beeman, the UFO guy?"

"Of course not", Doc answers.

"Paul Cheechoo?", Fiskerton collaborates.

"Guess again", Doc shakes his head.

"Miranda Grey?", Zak takes another guess.

"You're very close", Doc finally enlightens.

The Saturday brothers turn to each other and shrug, still uncertain as to who it is Doc is talking about. The elevator starts to slow down at a steady rate to the point where it eventually stops as the Saturday boys reach their destination. The doors to the elevator slide open, and the Saturdays enter the hanger deck where they find Drew Saturday waiting by the airship. Zak and Fiskerton Saturday suddenly notice their mom talking to who appears to be a stranger, yet they can't help but figure that they've seen this person before.

As they draw close, the brothers notice that the stranger is a woman who appears to be in her late twenties; perhaps very close to the age of thirty. They see the woman wearing a slim, custom-made, leather jumpsuit of bright air force blue they vaguely remember a certain someone wearing at one point or two. Zak is drawn to the woman's gloves and high heeled boots that came with her suit, and the small amount of a color cosmetic brand applied to her lips in the color of Amaranth. Fiskerton on the other hand is more drawn to the woman's coal black cascading mane that fit the color of her gloves and boots, and how her eyes have the right shade of green like a spring bud.
(Who says Gorilla-Cats can't see colors? -w-)

The two Saturdays scratch their heads in unsureness even with the familiar attributes. They remember this lady from somewhere, but they're still uncertain as to who this lady is, and where they've seen her before. Drew finishes talking to the woman and reaches out to her with an open hand; the woman takes Drew's hand and shakes it.

"Thank you so much for this, Abbey", Drew greets her.

"It's my pleasure, Drew", she replies in a soft british accent.

And just like that, the Saturday brothers finally come to recognize their old story telling babysitter just by the mere mention of her first name jogging their memories. Way back then -- even before Fiskerton came into the family -- Abbey Grey held the fort at Saturday HQ and watched over young Zak Saturday whenever Doc and Drew went out on cryptozoology business, or when they had to leave to go on their anniversary; like they are right now. Abbey took care of Fiskerton -- or her little ball of fluff as she called him -- as well as she took care of Zak, and rather enjoyed her time with the both of them as they enjoyed their time with her. She was pretty much the only babysitter the two young Saturdays didn't mind having around.

They were both such children back then, and Abbey babysat them until she wasn't needed anymore, that it's no wonder why they took so long as to simply recognize her right before their very eyes. Zak and Fiskerton are so busy remembering their past with their favorite babysitter, that they forget to halt and practically bump into Abbey; which in turn forces them to snap out of their recollection and come back to the present. Abbey turns her full attention to the young Saturdays who are now no more than a few inches away from her right. Her gentle gaze upon the Saturday brothers can't help but put some pressure on them as the racing of their heart beats increase and their bodies freeze in place.

Abbey's eyes widen and her jaw slightly drops; this made both the Saturday brothers gulp because they didn't know if this was good or not.

"Zak? Fiskerton?", Abbey asks all astounded by their presence.

The young Saturdays are unable to say anything to Abbey when noticing how fetching she is up close. Never before had they come to realize her elegance before, that it practically stuns them both. To make it so they don't leave her hanging, the Saturday brothers come back to their senses and run a couple of bright smiles across their faces for Abbey.

"Oh my goodness! Look at you both!~", she commends.

In a matter of seconds, Abbey welcomes Zak and Fiskerton with open arms and brings them both close to her in sweet embrace. Soon Abbey breaks out of the hug and then turns her full attention to Zak; she leans forward to get to Zak at his level and give him an affectionate gesture to the head.

"Oh Zak, you've grown to be so big and handsome~", Abbey embraces.

"Why, thank you. That's so kind of you to notice", the young Saturday responds.

Zak can't help but fidget some and hide his hands behind his back while Abbey continues to gesture him to the point where his face begins to turn a bright red. Fiskerton stands idly by next to the two while shaking his head and rolling his eyes, not wanting Zak getting all of Abbey's attention. Though soon enough, Fisk changes his attitude and freezes in place again when Abbey turns all of her attention back to him and runs her hand against his fur.

"My oh my, Fiskerton. You've grown at least three times your size since I last saw you", she acclaims while stroking Fisk's fur.

"I have…But, I'm still your little ball of fluff, right?", Fiskerton asks with a hint of worry as if he were afraid of what Abbey thought of him being up to seven feet tall and everything.

Abbey can't help but giggle at Fiskerton's sweet innocence and stroke his fur some more.

"Of course you are, you big cutie~", Abbey assures the Saturday Gorilla-Cat.

She moves her hand to stroke the sides of Fiskerton's face with the tips of her fingers. Fiskerton couldn't help but let out a few soft purrs from the familiar delight of such a groom. Zak watches the two of them and can't help but cross his arms and feel a tad bit jealous at his brother for getting Abbey's affections. It soon comes back to the Saturday boy how he and Fiskerton always fought over Abbey back when they were little to prove who she 'likes' more. Doc and Drew jump in to snap the boys out of it and crash their reunion with Abbey.

"Alright Abbey, I think it's fair to say that you've got everything taken care of", Doc intervenes.

"Of course, just like old times", Abbey withdraws from Fisk and gives Doc and Drew a soft grin.

Zak glares at Fiskerton behind Abbey's back with an envious look; Fiskerton turns to Zak and gives him the same glare.

"Keep an eye out for Komodo, he can get really reckless and difficult to keep track of.", Doc informs.

"Oh…Sure…", Abbey responds, a tad less enthusiastic.

Abbey could never get along with Komodo when he couldn't get along with her back. Even though Zak and Fiskerton approved of her, Komodo would never do the same on his own merits even when Abbey had tried her best to change his attitude towards her. Komodo was never really glad to see her for a visit, so it only seems fair for Abbey to not want a run in with him during her stay here at Saturday HQ; especially what with her reuniting with her two favorites.

"And be sure to call our number for emergencies", Drew includes.
"You'll soon come to realize just how much these boys have grown up to be quite the handful."

"Mom!", the young Saturday and Gorilla-Cat bellow from awkwardness.

Abbey giggles, "No need to worry. These two gems won't get into any mischief while under my supervision."

"You'd be surprised", Drew forewarns.

Both the Saturday brothers humph and cross their arms, shifting their bodies to look away from their mom as to say through body language how they couldn't believe she'd say something like that in front of Abbey. Drew shakes her head and rolls her eyes, figuring that the boys will get over what she said and forgive her in a heartbeat when a short period of time passes by as always during her and Doc's departure.

"So, how's my sister, Miranda?", Abbey asks Mr. and Mrs. Saturday.
"I've been trying to reach her for days, but she doesn't seem to be answering my calls"

Both Doc and Drew freeze up a little and look at one another with both sudden realization and uncertainty. No one had told Abbey what had happened to Miranda Grey and her Antarctic retreat when one of Argost's goons payed her a visit in search for her piece of the Kur Stone. On the contrary, no one was to even tell Abbey what had happened to her sister because it would go against one of the rules amongst the Secret Scientists: No current information -- including living status updates -- on a fellow Secret Scientist is to be released to a non-member of the Secret Scientists; that includes Abbey. Even if it weren't up to the codes and regulations behind the Secret Scientist organization, who would want to tell someone like Abbey that her sister's safety was threatened not too long ago, without the threat of worrying her more after telling her so?
(Probably Beeman -w-)

In matter of seconds, just by looking at each other, both Doc and Drew come to the conclusion that in a situation like this, they should do what they do best: keep a secret for just a little while longer. They both turn their attention back to Abbey before she gets the wrong idea -- or in this case, the right idea -- and tell her what exactly is up with her sister Miranda.

"Well, we weren't suppose to tell you this just yet. But…", Drew pauses intentionally.

"But what?", Abbey gawks at them.

"Your sister Miranda has surpassed her research and experiments on particle acceleration, that she's on the verge of inventing perhaps the first successful matter transporter", Doc explains.

Zak and Fiskerton shift back to look at their parents, then look at each other while scratching their heads and shrugging, not understanding completely what Doc and Drew just said. Abbey on the other hand understands perfectly, and she's absolutely speechless at the thought of her older sister in the progress of making a genuine portal device. This was not at all a deception Doc and Drew thought of at the top of their minds, Miranda Grey was in fact in the process of making perhaps the invention of the century; that is until Munya had breached her Antarctic retreat. Now with her piece of the stone taken away, Miranda is left with the remnants of her lab, her portal device, even her robot assistant, Deadbolt; a fact that Abbey isn never to know about.

"I can't believe it", Abbey says all astounded.
"It just doesn't…"

"…Doesn't seem possible?", Doc finishes for Abbey.

"No, no, of course it's possible. I'm just surprised", Abbey shakes her head.
"I mean, of all the people they have working behind particle acceleration, it's my older sister that's creating the impossible"

"Nothing's impossible, Abbey", Drew proclaims.
"Our line of work should be one of the many proofs of that"

"I know what you mean by that", Abbey smiles.
"It's not everyday someone gets to study and uncover the tombs of an ancient civilization…"

Abbey's living is traveling to historical and prehistorical sites as an archeologist where she analyzes ancient artifacts and human remains. On the last night she babysat Zak and Fiskerton, she took them on an adventure to go and visit the tomb of a Turkish ruler. She turns back to the Saturdays boys with that fond memory in her thoughts and gives them her attention once more; giving Zak another kind gesture to the head, and stroking the fur on Fiskerton's face again.

"…Or receive a call from old friends to come and babysit these two cuties again~"

Zak couldn't help but blush again to the point where his face was red, and Fiskerton let out a few more soft purrs to the point where they lasted longer and were less quiet for everyone else to hear.

"Alright Abbey, you and the boys take good care", Drew parts.

"Be smart", Doc apprises at both Zak and Fiskerton to not go and do something stupid while they're left alone with Abbey.

The Saturday brothers huddle close to Abbey as they watch Doc and Drew enter the Saturday airship; preparing to take off and fly all the way to Marrakech for their anniversary. Zak and Fiskerton look at each other as if they were to speak to one another telepathically and wonder why Doc and Drew would keep Abbey in the dark about her own sister's current stage. While they are sons, as well as partners, to Doc and Drew on team Saturday, they're not exactly members of the Secret Scientist organization, and therefore have no awareness of the rules of what it means to remain a member amongst the Secret Scientists; they could tell Abbey that Miranda's lab got trashed by Argost and his goons if they wanted to, and there would be no penalty for doing so. As curious and independent as Zak and Fiskerton are when going against one's consent for the thrill or worth of it, they figure to follow what Doc had said just this once and leave it be for Abbey's sake.

The brothers focus their attention back at the Saturday airship as the thrusters and engines fire up, and within seconds the airship takes off with Doc and Drew. The Saturday brothers wave goodbye to Doc and Drew as if they would actually notice while flying out of the hanger deck and into the dark skies of early nightfall. Shortly after the airship reaches a successful flight, the steel gates to the hanger decks slowly slide towards each other and soon close shut to ensure no unknown or enemy aircraft infiltrate. With the hanger deck now secure with no chance of any enemies or whack jobs to break in, Abbey escorts the Saturday brothers to the elevator where they can get a lift back up to the surface and hold the fort in the living room.


Back up to the surface awaits Komodo Saturday in the north-east wing of Saturday HQ as he watches the airship fly farther away and grow smaller and smaller until it faded into the night's abyss. It was official: Doc and Drew and left the Saturday boys alone with Abbey Grey. Komodo of course is not at all pleased by this what with his past quarrels and disputes with Abbey and growls in vexation; figuring that it'll be just like old times with him and her tussling one another. Komodo doesn't necessarily hate Abbey, he just didn't trust her as much as Zak and Fiskerton do; he always has the tendency to nitpick strangers that he doesn't trust completely until it's too late.

Figuring Zak and Fiskerton will be up to the surface anytime soon with their oh so favorite babysitter, Komodo wonders if Abbey will try and lecture him later in the hopes of resolving any differences between him and her like last time. That very possibility coursing through Komodo's thoughts gives him the idea to use his ability to turn his physical body invisible and scurry off to his nest to try and hide out from Abbey till Doc and Drew come back. If there's one thing Komodo dislikes more than strangers, it's strangers talking down to his level to try and tell him what to do that ticks him off, even if the lectures are not that demanding or least bit threatening. Just before reaching his nest, Komodo halts when a micro-sized light from a far away distance so much as pierces the corner vision in his one of his eyes, and his reflexes force him to turn his attention to the woods just on the other side of the security walls and fences surrounding the surface area of Saturday HQ.

Perhaps it was the slim chance that there was a car passing by faraway on traffic; so faraway that the headlights appeared as little dots of golden light. The problem is that the traffic roads up miles ahead are closed down by the city; Doc and Drew pulled a few strings for city hall to close down the roads near their HQ to keep away curious folk, troublemakers, and trespassers. Not only that, but the flash was nowhere near miles away, it was no more than some feet away from the security walls and into the thick dark woods. Even if there were some rational explanation for that flash, Komodo can't help but feel as if someone, or something, stalking within the woods, observing his every movements even when was invisible.

Komodo growls deeply from such an uncomfortable and unnerving feeling, that he decides to take his chances with Abbey for once and scurry off back into Saturday HQ than to be left alone outside. As soon as Komodo goes back inside the safety of Saturday HQ, a six-foot figure within the woods comes out of hiding behind a thick tree. It's hard to tell exactly who, or what, it is what with being shrouded by darkness, apart from the searing bright rays of moonlight reflecting off a small set of goggles, and a set of clanking jaws of steel. The full moon shines oh so bright with awe; how appropriate for the foreboding yet to come; for the predator has come for his prey.
Part two to my latest Secret Saturdays fanfic

Part 1 [link]
Part 3 N/A

My fanfic version of episode five, "Guess Who's Going to Be Dinner?"

The Secret Saturdays © Jay Stephens & Cartoon Network, Inc. 2008
© 2013 - 2024 KurGuardianz
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